Yes, Yes, Yes!
January 5th 2007 sure flew by, but with major accomplishments thanks to the only source! I pray your 2008 is your BEST YEAR YET ... it will most certainly be for me so we might as well enjoy it together. I made progress on my first project so watch out ... it's coming soon!!
February 4th January came and went quickly but with several things to rave about - as usual, the annual 'Hymns and Spirituals' concert @Charleston Southern University was a tremendous blessing that everyone thoroughly enjoyed ... we all agreed to focus on recording and sharing it as soon as scheduling permits; this year's NC Jazz Festival was once again a fun and enjoyable experience ... great music, old friends, good fellowship, excellent weather, and just plain old fun; and lastly, I am listening to takes from my session over the holidays and there are several that are most certainly good so you will be hearing them soon ... this is exciting!!
Cinco de Mayo Words simply can't express how thankful I am that things have been so incredibly busy but good and productive since my last update -- more progress on my first project, finished my 2nd semester @GWU, my dear friend's bass is about to be completely restored, did another installment of the DC Bass Choir, still writing tunes regularly, starting a Composer's Workshop, started writing my first orchestra, taking bass lessons regularly, started taking piano lessons, got a first-class bow, etc, etc ... of course, sleep has been optional but so what!! On top of all that, my Spring garden has been planted so it's just a matter of time, rain, sunshine, and the Nameless One.