This is my official website. The purpose is to provide information about my music and photography ... have fun, let me know what you think, and please come back often because it changes regularly!
Music: I love music and treat it like the blessing that it is. After far too many years and setbacks, I am actively working on my first musical offering entitled "First Fruits" which will feature Spirituals, Hymns, and Anthems all dedicated to the only Truth that I call God. My second project will feature original compositions and/or arrangements.
Photography: My picture collection is finally organized and steadily growing ... the organization enables me to share with you. So, check out my Photography page often because it will change often; for now, I have two sub-pages ... On The Road (which may include anything) and Tributes (which is my way of saying 'Thanks').
Links: If you are interested, some of sites I visit regularly and friends are on my Links page.
Yes, Yes, Yes!: This is my web log ("blog") page ... you might read about travels, books, projects, a museum visit, a fun gig, a new tune, or anything interesting.
Yes, Yes, Yes! |